Greenhouse Electric Heaters

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Greenhouse Electrical Heaters

During cold winter nights, a reliable method for keeping plants in conducive temperatures for growth and maturity are Ggreenhouse electrical heaters. Electrical Heaters have been around for more than two centuries and is relatively new. Its birth came with the radiator (1855-1857) invented by Franz San Galli, a Polish-born businessman, which evolved from water and gas based heat distribution systems.

The Radiator was used in central heating systems and the introduction of the radiator revolutionized heating in modern times. Initially, it was invented to keep people warm indoors, but eventually was also used to run agricultural farms during winter and cold seasons. This shift brought about a significant increase in food supply and plant conservation endeavours.

The Importance of Greenhouse Electrical Heaters.

Greenhouse electrical heaters are an important agricultural tool particularly in modern times as oil prices begin to rise. It more affordable, portable and easily installed compared to other heating systems such as:

  • Natural Gas heaters
  • Space Heaters
  • Forced air heaters
  • Hot water heaters

How do they work?

Greenhouse electrical heaters work by means of circulating heat via an air vent. They work best when coupled alongside other greenhouse electrical heaters at different strategic points in the designated area. To use a greenhouse electrical heater, first set the thermostat according to the desired temperature. When the temperature drops below the preset level, the greenhouse electrical heaters will automatically blow hot air until the temperature in the greenhouse is optimum. This method of heating is similar to an air conditioner or fridge, the difference is that it heats instead of cools the environment.


However, in comparison to the warm water pipe heaters, greenhouse electrical heaters do not distribute heat as evenly. As a result, some areas end up being cooler than others and plants closer to the heater might be damaged due to direct contact with hot air. In the event of having only one heater, users must be careful in selection of where to place the heater. A suggested method is to place the plants on elevated ground (benches) whilst placing the heater on the ground. This ensures that there is no immediate contact between the plant and the heated air.

Selecting a Greenhouse Electrical Heater.

A greenhouse electrical heater can range between 1,250 watts to 3,000 watts in terms of power, depending on size and capacity. High powered electrical heaters have a potentiality of damaging nearby plants due to high heat and moisture loss and should not be used unless in a very large area or distanced from the plants.

As mentioned earlier, multiple smaller units are recommended as opposed to a single powerful heater for better distribution of heat. Heaters with additional features such as adjustable fan speeds (which allow users to blow unheated air) do not cost much and aids in the equal distribution of heat. Greenhouse heaters may cost a bit more than household heaters, but are fashioned specifically for greenhouses and are much safer to be used in greenhouses compared to household ones.