Recessed Electric Heaters

Electric Heaters Resources

Recessed Electric Heaters

Recessed electric heaters are created and developed to be installed into your ceiling or wall. A full recessed electric heater would be completely installed into the ceiling or wall with only the heat outlet visible. Semi recessed electric heaters would only be partially installed into the ceiling or wall with its heat outlet and a portion of its exterior visible. Recessed electric heaters can be used as the main or supplementary heating source. It is suitable for public toilets, reception areas, and shops. Placing the units in open areas where heat loss is unavoidable is the simplest solution to bring back even heating.

Recessed Electric Ceiling Heaters

The first recessed electric heaters that we will discuss is the ones we have on the ceiling. Most recessed electric ceiling heaters work by fan forced method. This means that it takes in cold air from its surrounding and runs it through the heating element within. Once heated, the ceiling heater releases warm air from its sides.

When purchasing a new recessed electric ceiling heater for a new house or a renovation, the first thing to do is estimate the amount of heat you need in the room. Larger rooms would need a recessed electric ceiling heater about 3000 watts to 4000 watts. When purchasing a large recessed electric ceiling heater, it is also important that you ensure your home is equipped to send at least 240 volts of electricity to the heater.

Because the recessed electric ceiling heater is fan forced, it will produce a considerable amount of noise when it is turned on. However, it does not mean that expensive recessed electric ceiling heaters are less noisy due their high quality. Therefore, if the noise bothers you, a recessed electric wall heater would be more suitable. It would also be good to ensure that the ceiling heater has a thermostat or timer to control the temperature. In that way, you would be able to program it to a temperature setting of your choice or program it to automatically turn off at a certain hour.

Recessed Electric Wall Heaters

Recessed electric heaters on the walls are ideal for corridors, hotels and schools. By installing a recessed electric wall heater, accidental collision can be avoided. An electric wall heater should be slim in order not to stick out of the wall like a sore thumb. At best, the recessed wall heater should only protrude at around 30 mm to 40 mm from the wall.

Besides that, a recessed electric wall heater should be able to blend in with the rest of the room. Therefore, manufacturers have designed wall heaters in various colors and shapes to meet the demand of different interior designs. Like any electric heater, there recessed electric wall heater should be equipped with an automatic shut off in case it over heats. It would also be necessary that the heater operates quietly if it were to be used in places such as schools and hotels.

Creativity and innovation has also brought about recessed electric heaters in the fireplace which is actually a type of wall heater. It provides sufficient heat without the hazardous effects of a wood burning fireplace.