Efficient electric heaters
You may think that electricity is an inferior type of energy to gas or solid fuels, but you could not be more wrong. Electricity is fast becoming one of the energies of choice and many people choose efficient electric heaters as their main heating source within the home or other buildings such as offices or garages.
Style and choice of electric heaters
The style and choice of efficient electric heaters has increased over the years due to public demand and the prices change to match those. Whatever you choose as the output is one of the most important features you need to know about.
How warm will the heater get?
Once you know how big the area is that you need to keep warm, it will determine the size or number of efficient electric heaters you will need. If you choose a 2-kilowatt heater for your room, these usually have a thermostat on them and come complete with 3 settings so you can adjust the heat as necessary. As the temperature outside heats up or cools down, so you will want to change the internal temperature too. This makes the efficient electric heaters so simple to use. There is no need to buy an expensive one. If an electric heaters costs $50 or $600 and has a maximum capacity of 2 kilowatts, that is the only heat it will provide. Many people do not realize this and believe that the more expensive model must be warmer or provide more features. It does not; this is simply a marketing ploy that appeals to vanity. By all means, buy the more expensive heater if you believe it will look better in your home, but it will not provide any additional heat than one that costs a lot less money.
How much will it cost to run electric heaters?
In actuality, most electric heaters will cost the same amount to run, no matter which kind you decide to buy. Some people like the convector types that throw out the air and warm them up as well as the room. Others prefer the radiant type that are slower to warm up but provide a constant heat. Oil filled radiators also retain their heat for longer after being turned off, making them the choice of many too. Halogen is also an efficient electric heater that appears to be climbing the favorites list. However, if you choose a 2-kilowatt output in any kind of heater, you will receive 2-kilowatt of heat. They will all use the same electricity but will vary the way heat is delivered.
How to ascertain the right size heater
A simple calculation to find out what size heater you need is to roughly measure the size of your room. Approximately speaking you should need around 10 watts for each square foot. Houses with higher ceilings or large windows should consider a little more. Some people like their house to be really tropical hot, where others prefer it to be cooler, so this will also have a bearing on your calculations when considering efficient electric heaters.