Electric heaters for different rooms
There are numerous types of electric heaters in the market today. Due to this, it can be quite hard to figure out which of them is the best for your rooms. In some countries, heat pump electric heaters are the most popular, but are quite costly to purchase, making them unaffordable to a lot of people. If heat pumps are not your type of an electric heater, then below is some information on how to decide on the right type of electric heaters to heat your rooms.
Types of electric heaters
As already hinted on the above paragraph, there are many types of electric heaters to choose from. All of them have their weaknesses and strengths, but the choice to buy is really yours. Here is an analysis of the most popular.
- Fan electric heaters: These generally come as small transferable heaters of up to 2.4kW. They warm up a room by blowing warm air around it and offer instantaneous heat when turned on. Typically, the fan noise can be quite disturbing to some people, thus are not suitable for such rooms as study rooms.
- Radiant electric heaters: Also known as bar heaters, these provide warmth by directly heating up an object placed before them. They are available in varying styles and sizes of up to 2.4 kW.
- Combi-heaters: These types of heaters combine two warming forms into a single heating unit. Generally, combining a fan with other kind of heating devices considerably improves the heater’s heating up capability and the heat distribution throughout the room.
- Oil column heaters: Similar to panel heaters in the way they heat up a room, oil column heaters basically come with wheels fixed on them to enable them be moved from a room to a room, or around a room.
Most appropriate electric heaters for different situations
Due to their heating capability differences, some electric heaters are better suited to some heating situations as opposed to others. Below are a few circumstances that demand different heating devices and propositions for an appropriate heater to use in such situations.
- Early morning when you wake up: Generally, if the house has not been heated up during the night, you would want the heating to be up as quickly as possible. In this case, fan electric heaters or combi radiant-fan heaters are mostly appropriate.
- At home throughout the day: For some background heat in the living area, the most suitable heater to use is a convector heater, normally a panel or an oil column type that comes with a thermostat. Alternatively, a radiant heater with a thermostat may also be appropriate.
- Away from the house all through the day: For this type of a situation, the most appropriate heater is the combi radiant-fan heater that has a thermostat as it provide heat that is controllable and does the job silently.
- Teenager room: A convector electric heater that comes with a thermostat is mostly suitable. If heat is required instantly, then use a combi convector-fan heater.
- During the night: For bedrooms or areas normally occupied by either infants or elderly persons, a good choice of a heater is an oil column heater with a thermostat.