Portable baseboard electric heaters
Heating and cooling eat up a sizeable chunk of the budget in most homes. Electric heaters and fans help to keep the house warm or cool as required. Since these are items that you will need sooner or later, it makes sense to learn a thing or two about the options that are available in the market today and how they work. Electric heaters use electricity to generate warm air. There are numerous advantages of using an electric heater in your home. The first is cost effectiveness. An electric heater can be used to supplement other heating appliances at home hence cutting down the final expenditure on heating. They require little maintenance and are high performing without additional source of energy like fuel. Classification of electric heaters is either by size or use.
Portable baseboard electric heaters are very popular in homes. In most cases, you will see them being used in bedrooms or the living rooms. People like them because they do not eat up a lot of space. They are also efficient and easy to install and operate. Portable baseboard electric heaters look similar to hot water baseboard heaters in both design and working. They are fitted with coils which are heated by the electric current flowing through them. This type of heaters lack motorized heating. This means that movement of the hot air from the heater moves around naturally. In other heaters, a fan does the job of distributing the warm air. To achieve maximum efficiency from these heaters, their heat vents must not be obstructed.
Portable space heaters
The portable space heater is a heater that is designed to produce heat enough to heat small locations or rooms. They are highly efficient if you want to cut your heating costs. They are connected intermittently in order to conserve electricity. The fanned portable space heaters are popular as they can be switched to coolers during summer.
Garage heaters
Garage heaters are much bigger and more powerful than the ordinary house heating appliances. Since these locations are not insulated like the houses, the heater must have high heating power in order to discharge its functions well. The portable garage electric heaters have wheels and handles that are used for traction. There are other such heaters that are designed to be mounted on the ceiling or walls.
Oil filled portable electric heaters
This type of heater uses special oil for its functioning. The oil is also good in conserving heat. It is not consumed fast meaning it can be used for a long time hence reducing the heating budget. The problem with this heater is that it cannot heat a big room. However, it is very efficient if the area you want to heat is small like around your desk in the office or the bed at home.
Fireplace heaters
Instead of using the traditional firewood for the sitting room fireplace, you can invest in stylish portable fireplace heaters. These are connected to the electricity to give out lovely regulated flames. In addition to heating your room, they also make the house beautiful. They are definitely much safer than the wood lit fireplaces.