Portable electric heaters for homes
Portable electric heaters have been around for a long time. They are used in many homes especially during the cold spell to provide the much needed heating in rooms. Despite being a common gadget in homes, many people do not understand how the portable electric heaters work. Basic understanding of they function can be helpful when it comes to making decision on the right portable electric heater to buy for your home. This vital information is contained in the user manuals that come with the device but not many buyers bother to go through them. The internet too is a source of valuable information on the operating procedures of the portable electric heaters.
Safety for home users
The most vital lesson when it comes to portable electrical heaters for homes is to grasp the safety precaution in their usage. Being an electric device, all caution should be taken because they can cause disasters just like any other electricity powered machine. Repairs for portable electric heaters for home should be done only by relevant experts. Faulty heaters should not be used at home and naked wires as well as broken parts must be repaired as soon as they are noticed.
Types of portable electric heaters for homes
The first type of portable electric heater for homes that is common today is the convention heaters. This is a type of electric heater that produces the heating effect through pulling or pushing air across heating elements. A good example of this type of a heater is the ceramic heater. The ceramic portable electric heater is a very efficient accessory for room heating. Its mode of function is also quite easy. When connected to an electric source, the current flows through the ceramic plates. A fan located inside the heater then blows air which is in turn heated by the hot ceramic plates. This air is then blown outside to heat the room. Although the casing of the heater stays cool, you can experience nasty burns when you touch the air exit vents.
The second type of portable electric heaters for homes is the radiant heater. This type of heater is not powerful enough to heat the whole room. People prefer them when they want to heat a small section of the room. Radiant portable electric heaters function through transmission of heat through elements such as quartz tubes, carbon tubes, metal coils and halogen lamps. Some radiant heaters are fitted with reflectors that redirect the warm air towards different directions. Others that lack the reflectors can only warm the direction which the electric heater is facing. In that case, they have to be moved about the room in order to heat various locations. Users of the radiant electric heaters for homes must be cautious as they can also cause nasty burns if touched.
Newer electric heaters have both radiant and conventional features combined. In most cases, you will hear such heaters being referred to as fan heaters. This is because they use an inbuilt fan to redistribute the warm air to the various elements that are inside the heater.